Is content even worth it?

Written by Naja Shafiq

I get it. Making content is hard. First you need an idea, then you need to create it, then you need to edit it and finally you need to publish it to the world.

That last past really is the hardest and scariest part of all. To put out your creation for the whole world to judge is not an easy task. Especially if you’re new to the content game.

The online world is noisy. Social media especially. If you don’t have content, people won’t know you exist. Out of sight, out of mind right? But nowadays, having content alone isn’t enough anymore. Your content need to be good and valuable.

To stand out, your content also need to stand out.

But here’s the thing. To stand out, your content don’t need to go viral all the time. That is practically impossible. You won’t always be able to make great content. Not all of them is going to be a home run for you.

The thing about content is that you won’t know which one will work and which one won’t. You just have to figure that out on your own.Sure there are some basic principles to making great contents but that alone won’t promise success.

So you just need to start. Just start putting it out there. Not all your content need to be super great. Each day you make a new content, the better you will get at it. And eventually, you’ll get one home run.

So investing your time, energy and resource into content is worth it. But you just won’t know when you’ll get a return in your investment. It could be months, it could be years. But if you don’t start making them, it will be never.

Published on 7 Jul 2021